

1.  How can GCA help me homeschool my children?

GCA offers weekly core subject and extra-curricular classes for PreK-12th grade. Throughout the week, parents are responsible to oversee the education of their children as they complete the assignments due for their GCA classes.  

The focus of our classes varies by grade level: 

* For elementary students, weekly class time consists of group activities such as art projects, science experiments, and group memorization time in addition to instruction and concept review. We offer classes like art, music, science, geography, and Bible that supplement the core subjects of reading, writing, and math that parents are responsible to teach at home.

* For middle school and high school students, weekly class time for older students is comprised primarily of discussion, instruction, science labs and experiments, and other group activities.  We offer all subjects and electives students need in order to graduate. GCA allows parents the flexibility to register their child for just a class or two OR for all the classes required each year.

All students enrolled in our classes may also participate in the other activities we offer, including mercy ministry projects, social activities, a yearbook, student council, honor society, spirit days, prom, an annual Student Showcase, graduation, and much more!  

 2.  I’m interested in Classical education. Does GCA follow this model?

At GCA, we have always been influenced by the Classical model of education as expressed in a variety of ways within our classes as we seek to meet the individual learning needs of all our students. As evidenced over the years with a high percentage of graduates who successfully pursue higher education, many in our community of home educators have found it immensely beneficial to adopt some or most aspects of this model of education.

GCA uses Classical-friendly curricula including Mystery of History, Apologia, Institute for Excellence in Writing, and Latin for Children. Our history, science, and language arts classes in elementary and middle school follow the four-year cycle as closely as possible.

3.   Is there a minimum number of classes my child must take?

No. Students can take as many or as few classes as they want unless they are in the diploma program (RLCA at Glasgow), which requires a minimum of one core class (must be either science, math, English, or social studies), plus Bible.

 4.  How much does it cost to attend GCA?

Tuition ranges from about $7/week to about $10/week per class (in addition to registration fees), so total cost varies by family. Refer to Tuition/Fees document for exact prices.

 5.  When does registration start and end? Do classes usually fill?

Online enrollment/re-enrollment opens by mid-May and continues throughout the summer. Before enrolling, new families must first submit a new student online application and attend a new family interview. Students are assigned to classes on a first-come, first-served basis and some classes tend to fill, so we encourage families to register as soon as possible to reserve a spot in their preferred choices. 

 6.  How many students attend GCA? What’s the typical class size?

GCA has about 250 students ranging from preschool to 12th grade. Elementary class sizes are 15 students or less, depending on registration, while some middle school and high school classes may be a bit larger.

 7.  How can my child play sports at Red Lion?

GCA students have the unique opportunity to participate in DIAA competitive sports at Red Lion Christian Academy. To be eligible, athletes in grades 6th – 12th must report to our diploma program, RLCA at Glasgow, AND enroll in a minimum of two GCA classes [ONE core class (science, math, English, OR social studies) AND Bible).  For more details, click here.

For more information about Red Lion Christian Academy’s sports program, visit .  

 8.  If my students take classes at GCA, are they automatically enrolled in an umbrella school?

No, but GCA does offer a diploma program (RLCA at Glasgow) for middle school and high school students. We also provide an umbrella school for students in K-5th grade who are children of GCA teachers or a younger sibling of a student enrolled in the RLCA at Glasgow diploma program. 

* Students who take classes at GCA must either join an umbrella school OR report directly to the state.  

* If you live in Delaware, visit the Department of Education's website at

* If you live in Maryland, visit the following website with a FAQ page:  

You will also need to contact your local county (MD).

 9.  How do I know what books my child will need for each class? Where can I purchase curriculum?

Families are responsible for purchasing textbooks for their own children. The Course Catalog (click Academics, then Class Information on the website) contains information about required curriculum and materials (if any) for each class. 

There are many helpful websites that sell homeschooling curriculum. Here are some we recommend:,,  Also, used books may often be purchased from sites like or from other homeschooling families.

 10.  Do you require students to wear a uniform?

No, students must adhere to our dress code, which is detailed in the Student-Parent Handbook (Click the 'Academics' tab on this website). 

 11.  How many service hours does GCA require parents to do?

Families who do not have a parent teaching on a weekly basis are required to provide a parent (or responsible high school student) to serve in a weekly helper position or on a special event committee. Most positions require a commitment of about one hour per week. Parents will be asked to select a window of time for availability under the Helper Availability form during online enrollment.  More details can be found in the Student-Parent Handbook (Click the 'Academics' tab on this website). 

 12.  What other resources are available to support me in my homeschooling?

Tri-State Homeschool, Inc. is a local organization that was formed to promote homeschooling and to provide support to the families that home school. Tri-State has a Facebook group that allows home school families in the tri-state area to get and stay connected.  You can find more information and a membership form at

Home School Legal Defense Association is a nonprofit advocacy organization established to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms. Through annual memberships, HSLDA is an organization comprised of tens of thousands of families united in service together, providing a strong voice when and where needed.  You can get more information or become a member at