GCA Student Council


GCA Student Council

GCA’s Student Council, comprised of elected high school students, meets on a regular basis under the direction of a parent adviser to plan social activities, implement mercy ministry and outreach projects, and promote school spirit throughout the student body. Elections for senior officers are held in the spring; elections for class representatives are held in the fall. Qualifications to serve on Student Council:

  • Must be a Christian and approved by the GCA Leadership Committee as a student in good standing with leadership qualities.
  • Must have a CLEAN disciplinary record for all years in attendance at GCA. If a disciplinary issue arises with a council member, that student may be removed from his or her position on the Council.
  • Students must have a C average or above in all subjects in the year prior to election and maintain a C average or above in all subjects during the year in which they serve on the Council.

Full details about Student Council elections and activities are emailed to GCA families and students as needed.